Friday, April 18, 2014

Week One

Friday, April 12, 2014

11:04 AM

This week our group went online and researched different A/V transceivers we could purchase to use the wireless technology for in our project.  After looking at several different websites, including Amazon, TigerDirect, and NewEgg, we finally found a transmitter and receiver set on eBay that we could purchase and take apart when it arrived to examine how it worked and determine if it would be helpful to take apart and use the wireless technology in it to make our own wireless HDMI transmitter and receiver.  Below are images of each:

On the right is the receiver and on the left is the transmitter we are going to take apart and examine, as well as potentially use bits and pieces of—particularly the wireless technology.  For our project however, we do not plan on using antennae as of yet.


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