Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week Eight

Friday, May 23, 2014
11:03 AM

During the week prior to our meeting we realized we had the wrong cable. One of the ports on the cables that was sent with the wireless transmitter and receiver pair was not accommodated for video. Without testing the video component of the pair it was indeterminable if they worked. Once the right cable was found we completed testing the transmitter receiver to find that they do work. This specific testing involved a Play Station Three and television monitor to display the signals. 

Another possible demonstration that was discussed was using an old camera with AV capabilities. The AV camera would take a picture during the presentation and send it via the transmitter to a monitor where the receiver would display it, thus proving that the technology is in existence and allowing us to further discuss exactly how wireless technology works. 

During this weeks meeting a time line was also decided upon for preparing for the final presentation. During week nine the demonstrations, one using the Play Station and one using a router, would need to be put together by Wednesday. Both of these examples of wireless technology offer many points on technical complexity to speak about during the final presentation. Another idea for the demonstrations could be peer to peer sharing of documents via a router and discuss the technical aspects of how that works. 

On our poster and presentation we need to discuss options in the order that we came up with them and why we dismissed them, it is following this method that the presentation will make chronological sense 
One of the biggest demonstrations that were dismissed was the "Arduino"/raspberry board, PCB. These were all dismissed due to the fact that not enough student interaction would be needed to turn them in a a final deliverable; most of the work was already done by the companies that produced them.


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