Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Week Four

Friday, April 25, 2014
11:10 AM

This week we made a flowchart of the behavioral logic of the transmitter and receiver we purchased in week two so that we could better understand how a transceiver pair works to successfully go through with a task such as sending a video/audio signal over wireless.

Receiver Behavioral Flowchart
Transmitter Behavioral Flowchart

 In addition, we also did some more research on different wireless options, and discussed with Professor Taskin the possibility of using Wi-Fi as a wireless utility, and he consulted with some other professors who suggested instead of using the 802.11ac to use a newer version of WiFi such as 802.11n or 802.11w, both recently put on the market.  The group discussed using these technologies, but the obstacles in our way are having to purchase an expensive router, and also needing to purchase a chip to put on the circuit board to actually be able to use the Wi-Fi signal to send 1080p over wireless.  

For week five, our group was asked to do research on IO Gear's HDMI transceiver, specifically by looking for a transmitting frequency and the bandwidth of the device so we would know what kind of wireless we would need for hosting the large bandwidth HDMI requires. In addition, we were asked to look up HDMI wireless tear-downs if available, in addition to DVI and wireless DVI.  However, DVI has an insignificantly smaller bandwidth than that of HDMI, so considering changing to DVI would not be beneficial due to the fact that we would still need a larger bandwidth hosting wireless technology.  


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